An Altar Server (1) carries the cross and/or candles in procession, (2) holds the Roman Missal for the priest, (3) places the corporal, purificator, chalice and missal on the altar after the Prayer of the Faithful, (4) assists with presentation of the Gifts, (5) assists the priest with the thurible when incense is used, and (6) assists the priest after communion in washing the vessels.
This dedicated group of young people (Students in grades 4 thru 12) takes their service to the parish community very seriously and often continues to serve through their college years.
Adult altar servers, who are senior citizens from the parish serve daily mass and faithfully serve funeral Masses during the week. Their help and vigilance are of great value to the parish.
Contact: Sr. Martha Reed, OSU
Phone: 330-744-5233
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers assist the ordained ministers in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They may also take communion to the sick or homebound of the parish community.
Those who regularly take communion to the sick receive special training and are commissioned. Eucharistic Ministers are adults who have received the sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, and communion).
Contact: Sr. Martha Reed, OSU
Phone: 330-744-5233
The Reader has a dual role: to proclaim the Word of God and to listen to that Word. Readers prepare thoroughly at home throughout the week before they are scheduled to read. They pray with the Scriptures, hoping in faith that God will come to them through the printed words and that they will be able to convey God’s presence to the assembly.
Contact: Laura Elder
Phone: 330-744-5233
music ministry
& Choir
The choir serves the assembly by leading it in sung prayer and by reinforcing or enhancing the song of the assembly. The choir also prepares a weekly motet or anthem to assist the prayerful reflection of the assembly.
During the choir season (mid-September through mid-June) members regularly attend rehearsals on Thursdays from 5:15 until 6:45 p.m. and sing at the Sunday 4:00 p.m. Mass as well as special occasions.
Contact: Ralph Holtzhauser
Phone: 330-744-5233
greeters & Ushers
The responsibility of the Greeter is to help create a welcoming and comfortable environment as the assembly comes together to celebrate the Eucharist.
The responsibility of the Usher is to anticipate and assist with any physical needs of the assembly and to take up the collection. By their own participation in the liturgy -- by joining in the prayers and hymns and listening to the readings – Greeters and Ushers help set the tone for the entire congregation
Contact: Msgr. Robert Siffrin
Phone: 330-744-5233
Saint columba
care chain
Care Chain Team Members serve the parishioners of St. Columba who are not able to join us for Mass because they are homebound or currently reside in a nursing home. Team members commit to visiting one to two people of our parish on a monthly basis while also bringing them Holy Communion. A team member visits the local hospitals as needed.
Contact: Sr. Martha Reed, OSU
Phone: 330-744-5233